Our short and long term plans for the current sustainability project

Our short and long term plans for the current sustainability project

Posted by James Dawkins on March 5, 2020.

The long term goal is to create a lively feeding and nesting ground for insects, birds and small animals. This will be achieved by creating a large area of wildflower meadow, planting trees and setting up bee colonies that help pollinate the surrounding hedgerows, trees and other flora.

We have already placed two bee colonies at the current location with a third arriving in the first week of April. At the end of March we shall be preparing the area and sowing the first set of wild flower seeds. If successful we shall be increasing the area of wild flowers in the autumn and then finally planting a number of trees.

I have created a simple illustration to give you a better idea of what the project will hopefully look like in a couple of years. It will be an exciting journey (albeit a long and hard one) and I look forward to keeping everyone up-to-date. If you think you may have any ideas or can contribute in anyway then please let me know.


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